You’ve Been Selected for Our New Pilot Program

My Friend, your journey is about to begin...a journey to the days where you will be experiencing the thrilling, wonderful piece of mind knowing you don't owe anyone a single red cent.

Backyard Revolution will teach you everything you need to know, and do, to get there... You probably don't realize it (YET)… but you've just made a HUGE leap in becoming energy independent. This makes you different than 97% of the people… because you had the power to oversee what is important for you and for your family…. now… and in the future.

...and more importantly because you went ONE STEP FURTHER.

With Backyard Revolution the battle is half won... but if you've been in a desperate situation for long enough... you may find yourself a little frustrated and confused. I know I sure was!

One of the biggest request we get from true Patriots just like you who have already won the battle with the BIG ENERGY COMPANIES is "personal coaching" on one of the most important things you encounter in everyday life

While Backyard Revolution covers all the necessary information on how to build your own super powerful, quiet power source...

These true patriots want help in gaining their independence from another brutal monopoly that's been controlling all of our lives.

Unhealthy Supermarket Food

I knew there had to be a way for you to reap the benefits of true independence and self sufficiency you so desire and deserve

Because I really want to make sure that you reach the total independence a Revolution should bring.

So I reached out to my friend Alec. Who's a guru with this sort of stuff. And what he told and then taught me is nothing short of amazing.

Now... I'm no gardener... And nor do I have the space to make a 100% sustaining one for me and my family... Or so I thought.

Alec proved me wrong. His system got me fresh food on the table in a week... with no backbreaking work... and on the same size as my Backyard Revolution system.

I realized each and every one of my trusted customers must have this... To break the chains from another greedy flock of bastard execs.

So I told Alec that I want to make this available. And he agreed on one condition. That I only give it to my most trustworthy customers. True patriots that really long for the 100% independence I was telling you about.

And here it is:


Digital Product. Image For Visualization Purpose Only

You'll be getting Alec and I's "in the trenches" experience helping true patriots, just like you.

  • Discover the easiest method to grow juicy tomatoes, succulent cucumbers, and fresh moist lettuce 100% ORGANIC… On just 20 sq ft... Without an ounce of work... (SPOILER ALERT: You'll be getting fresh fish too). Plus... Alec has compiled his best recipes that will make your mouth water like a sprinkler in July.Basically,You'll have...

  • A clever system that will put free organic food on your table in just a few days time... more than you can consume in a month… (Time in which all of your friends will completely envy you!)… Just imagine the thrill of going outside and picking those juicy tomatoes yourself like presents on a Christmas morning.
  • An amazing system that instantly eliminates all of the costly grocery bills... Say goodbye to your corner "fresh produce" market - every time you're getting a basketfull of vegetables you're not owing anyone a single red cent!

I Have A Special Offer... Just For YOU!

Because you decided to join the Backyard Revolution family... You're not going to pay the regular price of $197...


Again... my goal here is to help as many true patriots out there to experience the type of amazing, no-worries life I now have...and I don't want finances to stop anyone.

That's why, for this ONE TIME ONLY... You can get everything the "Backyard Liberty Farm" Program offers for only $15:

Only $15

No thanks, I don't want to take advantage of this amazing offer today.

WARNING: If you decide to join later, you'll have to pay the full price of $197.


You Have Nothing To Lose!

As always this offer is fully guaranteed. Try it for 60 days. If it's not everything I say it is... then you can cancel your order and you will receive a full refund instantly.

Those 60 days could be the key... The key to completely turning things around for you and your family and getting that food independence you deserve.

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What are you waiting for?

No thanks, I don't want to take advantage of this amazing offer today.


I’m going to pass on this Pilot Program, even though I’m covered by the 60 Days Money Back Guarantee. I understand that I will not have another opportunity to join, and that if I decide I want to add this upgrade to Backyard Liberty Farm at a later date, I will have to pay the full $197 retail price.


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